
2025-01-02 17:15点击次数:1050



问题:以下句子中,in which 是定语从句吗?如果是,这个从句怎么不是句子结构呢? 

The best box (hard-sided or soft) has an insulated lining and a pocket in which to place a thin freezer pack to help keep the contents cold until they are consumed.

这个句子的大意是:最好的盒子(硬边或软边)有一个绝缘衬里和一个口袋,里面放一个薄的冷冻包装,以帮助保持里面的东西在食用之前保持低温。从结构和逻辑上看,in which to place a thin freezer pack to help keep the contents cold until they are consumed这部分是作为定语修饰a pocket。

下面来回答上面提出的这个问题。“介词 + which/whom”除了用于引导定语从句外,还可以用于引导动词不定式短语,即“介词 + which/whom + 动词不定式”。这一结构可以理解为定语从句的一种简化形式,在句中做定语,修饰前面的名词。其实,也是不定式做定语的一种用法。例如:

1. There are enough chairs for the guests on which they can sit. (有足够的椅子供客人坐。)

可以简化为:There are enough chairs for the guests on which to sit.

2. People with whom you will cooperate are capable. (与你合作的人都是有能力的。)

可以简化为:People with whom to cooperate are capable.

3. His dream was to have his own shop in which he can produce the workings of his own hands. (他的梦想是拥有自己的店铺,自己动手制作作品。)

可以简化为:His dream was to have his own shop in which to produce the workings of his own hands.

4. Like birds they have a single opening with which they produce eggs, have sex and expel waste.(像鸟类一样,它们只有一个开口,用来产卵、交配和排泄废物。)

可以简化为:Like birds they have a single opening with which to produce eggs, have sex and expel waste.

5. You should first find a room in which we can put the things. (你应该先找一个放东西的房间。)

可以简化为:You should first find a room in which to put the things.

6. There was insufficient evidence on which we can base a change of decision.(没有足够的证据可以作为改变决定的依据。)

可以简化为:There was insufficient evidence on which to base a change of decision.

当然,并不是所有这种情况可以这样简化转换,例如:On some level, forgetfulness would ease the grievousness of this psychological dynamic with which they are tormented.(在某种程度上,遗忘可以缓解这种他们饱受折磨的心理变化所带来的痛苦。)此句则转换不了,若是生硬转换:On some level, forgetfulness would ease the grievousness of this psychological dynamic with which to be tormented.就会产生表达不清楚的情况,无法表达谁备受折磨。



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