
2020-07-31 16:07点击次数:2562

      Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known to change with age and become less elastic. This is __1__ the skin of old people wrinkles and hangs loose. This is also the reason why old people __2__ in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, __3__ DNA and RNA, store and __4__ information that the cells need. Aging may affect this __5__ and change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.
1.  A. what          B. how        C. why         D. where
2.  A. increase       B. shrink     C. lengthen        D. decrease
3.  A. such as        B. for example     C. such that        D. so that
4.  A. pass away      B. pass by        C. pass off           D. pass on
5.  A. improvement   B. procession       C. approach       D. process
1.C  逻辑关系。what“什么;多么;多少”;how“如何;多少;多么”;why“为何”;where“在哪里”。由空格前“Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known to change with age and become less elastic. 众所周知,细胞中的一些蛋白质化学物质因年龄而变化且变得不那么有弹性”与空格后“the skin of old people wrinkles老人皮肤起皱纹”的对应知“为何”符合语境,故C项正确。
2.B  词义辨析。increase“增加,增大;繁殖”;shrink“收缩;畏缩”;lengthen“延长;变长”;decrease“减少,减小”。由空格前“old people老人”与空格后“in height在身高上”的对应知这里指代“老人在身高上收缩”,故B项正确。
3.A  词组辨析。such as“例如;诸如”;for example“例如(一般需用逗号与所列举的东西分开)”;such that“如此……以致”;so that“以便;所以”。由空格前“Some complex cell chemicals一些复杂的细胞化学物质”与空格后“DNA and RNA”的对应知这里表示列举,故可直接排除C项与D项;再由这里“DNA and RNA”前没有逗号知A正确。
4.D  词组辨析。pass away“去世;停止;度过时间”;pass by“经过;走过;逝去”;pass off“停止;完成”;pass on“传递;继续;去世”。由空格后“so that they do not transmit the information as well以致它们也不能传递信息”的对应知这里指代“储存与传递细胞所需的信息”,由此知D项“传递”正确。
5.D  词义辨析。improvement“改进,改善;提高”;procession“队伍;一列;列队行进”;approach“方法;途径;接近”;process“过程;进行,步骤”。由空格后“change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.改变携带信息的分子,以致它们也不能传递信息”的对应知这里指代“老化可能影响这个过程”,由此知D项“过程”正确。

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