华慧考博英语学习百宝箱是华慧考博辅导老师团队根据日常授课的心得体会,以及不同学员的学习进度,提供的适合广大考生的考博英语复习素材。考生们可以复习之余,多看看华慧考博网:gt;www.hhkaobo.com 的学习百宝箱栏目中更新的复习技巧或者复习总结,对大家的考博英语复习会有很大的帮助!“进退维谷”,意思是无论是进还是退,都是处在困境之中,维相当于“是”,谷比喻“困境”。与“进退两难”同义,可以翻译为“be thrown into a dilemma”。与英文习语“between a rock and a hard place;between the devil and the deep blue sea”意思相近,表示“between two equally difficult or unacceptable choices”。
“悬崖勒马”,汉语成语,意思是在高高的山崖边上勒住马(draw [rein] in one's horse at the edge of a cliff)。比喻到了危险的边缘及时清醒回头(desist from doing something before it is too
late),可以翻译为“pull back before it is too late”。
“朝三暮四”,汉语成语,字面意思是“three in the morning and four in the evening”,比喻常常变卦,反复无常(change one's mind frequently)。与英文习语“chop and change”意思相近,表示“to continually change one's course of action, to the confusion or irritation of others”
“同甘共苦”,汉语成语,意思是共同享受幸福,共同担当艰苦(share happiness and sufferings)。可以翻译为“go through thick and thin together”,英文习语“ through thick and thin”表示“ through good and bad times”,也可以翻译为“ share weal and woe”。
“信口开河”,汉语成语,字面意思“speak carelessly, rapidly, voluminously like the outflow of river water when the sluice gates are opened”。比喻随口乱说一气,指说话没有根据,不可靠(speak without measuring one's words)。可以翻译为“talk through one's hat”,表示“talk nonsense”。
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