
2024-10-08 10:06点击次数:330

学员疑问:老师,下面一段文字中,第二句末尾的 bring it back怎么理解?

The crucial question at the beginning of the 1990's is whether the trend that began in the 1970's will prove to be temporary or permanent. Is the era of cheap energy really over, or will a combination of new resources, new technology and changing geopolitics bring it back? One key determinant of the answer is the staggering scale of energy demand brought forth by 100 years of population growth and industrial demand.

老师解答:Is the era of cheap energy really over, or will a combination of new resources, new technology and changing geopolitics bring it back? 是一个一般疑问句,其中 bring it back中的代词it指代前文的“the era of cheap energy”。此句句意:廉价能源的时代真的结束了吗?还是新资源、新技术和不断变化的地缘政治的结合会让廉价能源时代重现?


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