Atlanta city council seeks to fine residents if dogs bark too much
据福克斯新闻网报道,美国亚特兰大市正在酝酿通过一项新法令,以免宠物狂叫不止扰民。该法令如获批准,允许宠物持续发出噪音的时间将缩短一半。宠物第一次违规,其主人将面临150美元(约合人民币1000元)的罚款,如宠物再次违规,罚款将增加。按照亚特兰大目前的法规,宠物可持续制造噪音的时间不得超过20分钟(每次中断时间不足20秒)。Atlanta city council seeks to fine residents if dogs bark too much
Atlanta pet owners could soon have to keep their furry friends quiet or face increasingly large fees.
The Atlanta City Council is asking the mayor to sign a new law that would punish pet owners if their animals are too noisy for too long, according to FOX 5 Atlanta.
If the new law is approved, pets will have their grace period of making noise cut in half. Currently, pets can make noise for 20 minutes with "individual interruptions of less than 20 seconds" before their owners face any kind of penalty.
Pet owners will face a $150 fine for a first offense and the fines will grow if pets are repeat offenders. However, pets won’t be taken away from families unless it appears they are in danger.
Dogs might be the most likely offenders of the new noise ordinance, but the rule applies to cats, birds and other animals, too.