
2022-09-30 17:22点击次数:1918


1. The depth of the novel and the value of its artistic and ideological feature do not depend on the theme—either ______ or significant.

A. trivial      B. versatile       C. preliminary      D. alternate

A 【句意】小说的深度及其艺术和意识形态特征的价值都不取决于主题——不管主题是无关紧要的或是有重大意义的。

【解析】形容词词义辨析。trivial“不重要的;琐碎的;无关紧要的”;versatile“多才多艺的;通用的”;preliminary“初步的;预备的”;alternate“交替的;间隔的”。由句中关键词“either ______ or significant”的对应知“无关紧要的”符合语境,故A项正确。

2. These books are both interesting and instructive. No wonder they ______ the reading public.

A. appeal to      B. apply to      C. approve of      D. ascend to

A 【句意】这些书既有趣又有教育意义。难怪它们对阅读大众有吸引力。

【解析】词组辨析。appeal to“呼吁;上诉;对……有吸引力”;apply to“适用于;应用于”;approve of“赞成”;ascend to“升至;追溯到”。由句中关键词“These books are both interesting and instructive这些书既有趣又有教育意义”与“the reading public阅读大众”的对应知“对……有吸引力”符合语境,故A项正确。

3. During the famine of 1943, millions of Chinese peasants ______ to the cities because they could not survive in the rural areas.

A. emigrated      B. estimated      C. migrated       D. immigrated

C 【句意】在1943年的饥荒期间,数百万的中国农民因为无法在农村生存而迁移到城市。

【解析】动词词义辨析。emigrate“移居外国”;estimate“估计;判断;评价”;migrate“移动;迁移;(鸟类的)迁徙”;immigrate“移居入境”。由句中关键词“to the cities到城市”与“because they could not survive in the rural areas因为他们无法在农村生存”的对应知“迁移”符合语境,故C项正确。

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