
2022-05-31 11:43点击次数:1843

  • photovoltaic power
  • 光伏发电
  • biomass energy
  • 生物质能
  • shale gas and coal seam gas
  • 页岩气、煤层气
  • in ecological protection, progress comes only through action, and success only through persistence
  • 生态环保贵在行动、成在坚持
  • we must take a firm and unrelenting approach in this work, to ensure we always have blue skies, lucid waters, and sustainable development
  • 我们必须紧抓不松劲,一定要实现蓝天常在、绿水长流、永续发展
  • enforce the law in a strict, well-regulated, impartial, and appropriate manner
  • 严格规范公正文明执法
  • we must see to it that all violations of laws and regulations are investigated and prosecuted, and all failures to strictly and impartially enforce the law are rectified
  • 一切违法违规的行为都要追究,一切执法不严不公的现象都必须纠正
  • we will ensure that the handling of public complaints filed through letters and visits is brought into line with the rule of law, and see to it that all justified complaints and demands are resolved promptly and locally
  • 把信访纳入法治轨道,及时就地解决群众合理诉求
  • we will uphold law and order in China
  • 深化平安中国建设
  • pornography, gambling, drug abuse and trafficking
  • 黄赌毒
  • environmental pollution is a blight on people's quality of life and a trouble that weighs on their hearts
  • 环境污染是民生之患、民心之痛
  • we must fight it with all our might
  • 要铁腕治理
  • carry out oversight over the whole process, from the source to the tap
  • 实行从水源地到水龙头全过程监管
  • crack down on those guilty of creating illegal emissions and ensure they pay a heavy price for such offenses
  • 对偷排偷放者出重拳,让其付出沉重的代价
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