华慧考博双语阅读: 世界上最快乐的国家在哪里?

2022-05-07 10:20点击次数:2697

Finland crowned world’s happiest nation for fifth year in a row

Finland has been named the world’s happiest country for the fifth year running, in an annual UN-sponsored index that ranked Afghanistan as the unhappiest, closely followed by Lebanon. The latest list was completed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia recorded the biggest boosts in well-being. The largest falls in the World Happiness table, released on Friday, came in Lebanon, Venezuela and Afghanistan.

Lebanon, which is facing economic meltdown, fell to second from last on the index of 146 countries, just below Zimbabwe.

“This (index) presents a stark reminder of the material and immaterial damage that war does to its many victims,” co-author Jan-Emmanuel De Neve said.
合著者简·伊曼纽尔··内维(Jan-Emmanuel De Neve)说:“这一指数呈现了鲜明的提醒:战争给许多受害者造成了物质和非物质的伤害。
  • stark (指区别)明显的,鲜明的 very different to sth in a way that is easy to see,比如说:stark differences 鲜明的区别 Social divisions in the city are stark. 城市里各社会阶层有明确的分野。 

The World Happiness Report, now in its 10th year, is based on people’s own assessment of their happiness, as well as economic and social data.

Northern Europeans once again dominated the top spots – with the Danes second to the Finns, followed by the Icelandic, the Swiss and the Dutch. The United States rose three places to 16th, one ahead of Britain. France climbed to 20th, its highest ranking yet.
  • dominate v.支配,控制,主宰:to control someone or something or to have more importance than other people or things,比如说:•The industry is dominated by five multinational companies.这个行业受五家跨国公司控制。•Education issues dominated the election campaign.教育问题成了这次选举活动的主要辩题。

As well as a personal sense of well-being, based on Gallup polls in each country, the happiness score takes account of GDP, social support, personal freedom and levels of corruption.

This year the authors also used data from social media to compare people’s emotions before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. They found “strong increases in anxiety and sadness” in 18 countries but a fall in feelings of anger.

Nonetheless, the report raised some eyebrows when it first placed Finland at the top of its listings in 2018. Many of the Nordic country’s 5.5 million people describe themselves as taciturn and prone to melancholy.
  • taciturn /'tæsɪtɜːn/  寡言少语的;沉默寡言的;不苟言笑的;A taciturn person does not say very much and can seem unfriendly.
  • melancholy /'melənkəlɪ/ 忧郁,无名的伤感:  a feeling of sadness for no particular reason,举个例子:•He sank into deep melancholy.他陷入深深的忧郁之中。

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