
2022-01-14 17:09点击次数:1969

Jiang Ge murder: Chinese mother sues  friend whose er-boyfriend killed her doctor in Japan

The mother of a Chinese student studying in Japan who was stabbed to death by the ex-boyfriend of her friend has won a civil lawsuit against the friend who was told to pay nearly 700,000 yuan (US$110,000) as compensation.


Jiang Ge was fatally stabbed in 2016 aged 24 by her friend Liu Nuanxi’s, ex-boyfriend Chen Shifeng, outside Liu’s rented apartment in Tokyo more than five years ago. Chen, also a Chinese national, was sentenced to jail for 20 years in Japan at the end of 2017. Liu, whose previous name was Liu Xin, and Jiang Ge are both from Qingdao and studied together in Japan.


compensation /kɒmpen'seɪʃ(ə)n/ 补偿费,赔偿金:money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged,举个例子:•compensation for injuries at work工伤补偿金•She received compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.她得到了政府给她的财产损失补偿金。

fatal /'feɪt(ə)l/ 致命的:resulting in someone's death,比如说:•potentially fatal diseases潜在致命的疾病•a fatal climbing accident致命的登山事故.


The court said Liu had made “obvious mistakes” as she, a good friend of Jiang and the person who sought help from Jiang, didn’t tell her of the threats from Chen. The court also noted that she had locked Jiang outside her home to protect herself, ignoring Jiang’s safety.


The compensation Liu has to pay includes 200,000 yuan (US$31,388) as spiritual compensation. The court also said she had sent messages and made videos that upset Jiang Qiulian after her daughter’s death.


“She didn’t feel grateful or try to comfort the relatives of the victim. On the contrary, she used inappropriate words to increase other people’s sorrow.


“Her behaviour, which is against social norms and human feelings, should be condemned,” said the judge, according to the CCTV report.


Bursting into tears outside the court, Jiang Qiulian, a single mother, told the media: “I respect the court’s verdict. I will go to Jiang Ge’s tomb to tell her the result. I will also tell her — Mum has made it.”



Bursting into tears outside the court, Jiang Qiulian told....
前面部分的:Bursting into tears outside the court为伴随状语,体现江歌母亲说话时的情况:泪流满面。
这个句子的主语是Jiang Qiulian,后面跟着的 , a single mother,为插入语,told谓语。
verdict  /'vɜːdɪkt/  n. 〔法庭作出的〕裁决,裁定,判决an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened,举个例子:Three judges will deliver their verdict in October.3名法官将在10月份作出裁决。

make it · 获得成功:to be successful in your career,比如说:He never really made it as an actor. 他从来就不是一个成功的演员。

The mother said she would not accept an apology from Liu since as she did not believe it was sincere.


“Compared with Chen, I hate Liu more. Chen wanted to kill her, but she let her good friend and the person who helped her to be the victim,” wrote one person on short video platform Douyin.


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