
2021-12-31 11:56点击次数:1991

(1) scarcely ... before,如:Scarcely had the bell rung before they went to the playground. (铃一响,他们就到操场上去了。)
(2) as soon as,如:As soon as she entered the room, she knew there was something wrong.(她刚进屋就知道有点不对劲。)
(3) on+名词/动名词,如:On arriving/arrival at the villagewe were warmly welcomed by the villagers.(我们一到那个村子,就受到了村民们的热烈欢迎。)
(4) at+名词/动名词,如:At seeing her mother/ At the sight of her motherthe girl burst into tears.(一见到母亲,那女孩就放声大哭起来。)
(5) the instant/the moment/the minute (that),如: I will pay you back, I promise, the moment I get paid.(我保证一拿到薪水就还你钱。)
(6) immediately/instantly/directly,如:Immediately the discussion was finishedthe meeting was over. (讨论一完毕,会就散了。)
(7) right after,如:The workers went home for a rest right after completing their task.(工人们一完成任务,就回家休息了。)
(8) lose no time,如:When the new manager was appointed, he lost no time in reorganizing the office.(新经理刚被任命,就开始重新调整办公室。)
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