
2021-04-25 10:19点击次数:1204




Suppose Professor Smith. asks you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic. Write him am email to:

1) suggest a topic with your reasons;

2) and your arrangements.

You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use “Zhang Wei”instead (10 points)


Dear Prof. Smith,

It’s my pleasure to plan the debate on city traffic, and I am writing mainly to put forward advice on the topic of this debate and introduce my preliminary arrangements concerned.

To begin with, the debate can be conducted with the topic of “By Bus or By Bike” on the ground that a host of residents prefer convenient vehicles to reduce time cost under the background of increasingly heavy city traffic. Therefore, the participants in this debate can take an active part in it due to their real experience in daily life. Regarding the arrangements of the debate, it will be held in the auditorium on our campus Dec.28th,2018. Anyone interested in this debate can apply for participation at the Students’ Union Office before Dec. 24th. Finally, a watch will be awarded to the winner of the debate .

It will be highly appreciated if you could give me an early reply or some comments on my plan.
Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei




首先,这次辩论可以围绕“开车还是骑车”展开,因为在城市交通日益拥堵的背景下, 很多人更喜欢便捷的交通方式以节约时间成本。因此,这次辩论的参与者可以根据日常生活中的实际经验积极参与到辩论中来。关于这次辩论的安排:举办时间为2018年10月28日,地点在我校礼堂;获奖者会得到一块手表。




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