
2020-11-13 17:47点击次数:2931

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
Some people think that children should begin their education as early in their lives as possible, while others think that children should spend most of their time playing. Each opinion could be supported by a number of arguments. However, it is my opinion that playing is more important activity than learning for children during their early years.

It could be argued that it's important that some basic logical and verbal skills be learnt as early as possible. The argument goes on to assert that skills like basic calculus and foreign languages are much more easily accepted by the children when they are very young. Moreover, if children start their education early, they can have more time to perfect their knowledge later during their lives. This way they can become better professionals. Finally, when children are at school, they parents don't have to look after them. Instead, they can work and earn more money for themselves, as well as their children.

In contrast to these opinions, there are others who claim that children should at least have their childhood, since their whole life will be most probably filled with work and study. Furthermore, physical skills, which are developed by playing, are just as important as intellectual ones. When children are not forced to go to school at an early age, they can spend more time with their parents. In fact, it is often claimed that don't need teachers other than parents, since parents know them best and are most committed to teaching them.

My opinion is that young children should spend most of their time playing. It seems to me that it's not natural for children to start formal education earlier than age 6, for instance. All the teaching they need can be provided informally, by parents. On the other hand, early physical development can't be compensated later, and it would suffer greatly if children were not allowed to spend enough time playing.

As we can see, certain types of information are more easily processed by young than by older children, which is why some people claim that this advantage should be exploited by making children study while they are still very young. However, I disagree with this approach, since I think that children should be above all allowed to spend their early childhood the way they like best, and that is playing and having fun with their friends.

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