
2020-10-23 17:29点击次数:3113

Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.
My personal belief is that the best way to learn about life is through personal experience. But this does not mean that I totally disregard the alternative way of learning by listening to family or friendsadvice. The truth is that now, at my age, I clearly see that the best way of learning about life would be a combination of the two (ways noted above).

The main reason I embrace the first way is because I find it more natural, it is our instinctive way to act and react. When we are young we are prone to experience than to listen to other persons advice and less to the advice coming from our family. This may not be a general case but I believe the exceptions are rare. I remember when I got engaged with my future husband both my parents and friends were very much against my decision. And in a way they were right. But I wanted to follow my heart and to have my own judgment even if people with more experience and even good intention were advising me to do the contrary. My reaction/action it was also influence by the wrong approach my family adopted. And my case is not an isolated one.

From my above story can be inferred that I DO agree that learning by listening to the advice of well-intended people is a wise way. It would probably save us some grief and disappointment in life. But I strongly believe that even painful the experience we choose to have is helping us grow and builds our personality. I never regretted my decision to get marry at a pretty early age even if eventually we (me and my husband) ended up divorcing. It was one of the best experience I ever had, though the most painful in my life.

I conclude by encouraging youngsters to try to listen both to their heart and to other persons advice and judge which way would be the best for them. Although I sound like my mother some years ago, when she tried to convince me that at my age the marriage is not the best choice in life, I strongly recommend to everybody to accept listening to any advice before making a decisive step in life and afterwards to filter all these information. I think it is wise trying to combine these two ways of learning about life.

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