
2020-10-21 17:38点击次数:3020

Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
Some people believe that a college or a university should be available to all students. Others think that higher education should be available only to good students. In my opinion, higher education should be available to all students. Why do I think so?

Firstly, to get higher education is a right of any person. If higher education is available only to good student, it will be infringement of human rights. We cannot say to man that she or he is not entitled to get higher education because it will be anti-constitutional. On the other hand, a college or university can have own rules for students who don't have a good GPA. For example, students can graduate from college if they have only "A" or "B". Another example, students can take several times the same exam while they wont receive a good grade. It is very important to give a right to get higher education to all students, because it will be their chance to change something in their life, get better job in the future or built their career.

Secondly, who gives us right to share people in good and bad students. Maybe they have good abilities for studying, yet, these students chose the wrong way ignoring learning when they were high school students. We have a lot of examples when people didn't have a good grade when they were a high school students, however, they could graduate from college and became to work successfully. We know many examples about great people, Pushkin, Mendeleyev, who weren't good students in all subjects, but they were very talented persons and whole world knows their names. To be a good or bad students are not the same to have abilities for learning. We should understand and remember it.

Some people can say that government and parents just waste money for education bad students. Nonetheless, the government also can change rules for those students. For example, not support financially if the student has a grade "C" or worse. However, our government sustains any students. I think that it is the right way, because we live in a free country and any man has the same right to get higher education.

In summary, in spite of colleges and universities are mostly interested in good students, I strongly believe that any students, good or bad, should have the same right to earn high education.

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