
2020-10-20 17:56点击次数:2833

You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.
If I had to travel to a place 40 miles away, I would consider several ways of transportation, such as car, bicycle, or train. Each of these options has it's advantages and disadvantages. In this essay I will present advantages of each way of traveling, and I will argue in favor of traveling by train.

It would be possible to travel by car. Cars are reasonably fast and comfortable. They can accommodate more than one passenger, which is important when several people travel together. Most cars are spacious, so every passenger has enough space to fully enjoy the trip. Moreover, passengers can travel as fast as it suits them. If they are in hurry or some kind of emergency situation, they can travel very quickly. On the other hand, if the purpose of their trip is casual, such as visit to a friend or having a picnic in the nature, they can make occasional stops, in order to rest or enjoy the pleasant surroundings. Some mental effort is required by the driver, because he has to pay attention to the traffic in front of him.

Another option is traveling by bicycle, since 40 miles is not a very large distance. One important advantage of a bicycle is that it doesn't burn fuel in order to move, so it doesn't produce toxic output which would pollute the environment. Moreover, bicycles are healthier than cars. Riding a bicycle requires physical effort and strengthens muscles. In fact, some scientist assert that riding a bicycle is one of the most effective forms of exercise. Bicycles find their way through heavy traffic more quickly and easily than cars. Also, they use less space and are easier to park, which makes them useful for travels through heavily urbanized and crowded areas. Finally, bicycles are the cheapest conveyances, since they don't require expenses for fuel, and only minute amounts of money are needed for maintenance.

For my part, I must argue in favor of traveling by train, because it comprises some of the main positive properties of both previously discussed approaches. Trains are very comfortable, and they don't require any effort from the passenger, neither physical, nor mental. They are also very fast, sometimes even faster than cars. Finally, trains are environmentally clean means of transportation, since they use electric power, not fossil fuels, like cars do. The superiority of traveling by train is further confirmed by the corresponding price, which is significantly higher than those of car or a bicycle travels.

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