
2020-10-19 17:40点击次数:2824

It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
It is a commonly accepted fact that society benefits from the work of its members. Some of them are more inclined to artistic forms of creation, while others prefer working in a scientific framework. Both scientists and artists contribute to the society in their own way. Works of artists affect people's state of mind, and works of scientists affect their everyday life. In my opinion, scientific work is more valued by the modern society.

Artists make art, and art makes people feel better. Artistic creations may be more or less valuable, from the connoisseur's point of view, but nevertheless, some people find them enjoyable and pleasing. For instance, looking at a beautiful picture or listening to Beethoven's symphony seems very relaxing after a hard day spent in the office. Furthermore, museums and galleries all over the world are made possible by the work of the generations of artists, from the ancient times until today. Without the museums and galleries, men of modern age would not be able to improve their knowledge about past times. Therefore, education is also the important role of artists. The art enriches people's spirits and makes them more imaginative, while at the same time teaches them about historical events.

Scientists contribute to the society in a different way. Their influence is of more material, and less spiritual nature. For example, physicists try to determine the laws of nature and engineers then use that knowledge in order to make various devices and systems. Those products of joint efforts of physics and engineering make ordinary people's lives easier. Just think about the difference that was made by the invention of microwave ovens for example.

It is my opinion that science is more appreciated than art by the modern society. There are several reasons that lead to this conclusion. People find it easier to accept information in material, than in spiritual form. For example, using typical products of science, such as computers or TVs, doesn't require much mental effort, while art can sometimes be obscure and hard to grasp. Furthermore, in many countries, science receives generous financial support from the government, while art seldom does. This is because a country's military and economic power is dominantly affected by it's science, not art. Therefore, scientists are paid much better than artists. In fact, having art as a sole profession is very unlikely to provide enough money to support a family, for instance. Even though some people become fascinated with art classes while in school, later in life they are usually forced to move towards more scientific fields of work, such as economics or engineering.

In conclusion, scientists and artists both have their ways of contributing to the society. Artists affect people's lives in the spiritual sense, by forming their life views, educating them, or simply by relaxing them when they are tired and exhausted. On the other hand, science affects material side of life, by creating inventions that relieve people of hard work, thus making them have more free time. Science is more appreciated than art in modern society, because science is more precise and easier to understand, while art can be abstruse. Also, science is more important for the country's economy and army, which makes it more interesting for the government.

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