
2020-09-30 17:34点击次数:2812

Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
In the one point of view, it is one of the mans characters to be curious. He wants to break the limits and learn more. No one can oppose to this quality of human. This curiosity caused many inventions and profits for the people around the world. In the other hand, we live together and we should think about others, have compassion for them and give their due. It is not fair that governments notice on their points and dont think that it may harm other people. In my opinion, governments should spend money for our basic needs on earth and stop spending money for outer space researches.

If one person deprived himself and his family from eating to buy and run a car, we may consider him mad. It is not acceptable to spend millions of moneys funds and expenditures for space researches while there are many people around the world who have a severe lack of food, water, and hygiene and many other primary necessities.  

When we see that there is many violent thugs, suicides, robberies and divorces occur in our society and most of these problems are because of lack of money or poverty, It is not conventional to squander this huge amount of money for traveling to space while many essential requirements have not answered yet.

Many times, we see from our television or read from news that our earth is in a very bad condition. Deforesting caused many jungles destroyed, air pollution is going to be a very dangerous problem and so on. It is utterly absurd that governments waste this amount of money while our earth, the only place for us to live; situation deteriorates every day so fast.
At last but not the least, there are still many troubles in our society and earth in that many people die because of lack of food and water supply in the 20th century what is not a negligible problem. Furthermore, our earth is going to be an intolerable place to live providing we dont find out a solution for it. Its more better to government focus their money on the people and earth problems first and then let space look after itself.

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