
2020-09-29 16:57点击次数:2864

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Dance, patterned and rhythmic bodily movements, serves as a form of communication and expression. People of different cultures dance differently and for varying purposes, it can express emotions, tell a story, religious or political needs, their varied forms of dance can reveal much about their life. Therefore dancing plays an important role in a culture.

The first characteristic of dance that can tell us about a certain culture is the body movement. By varying physical actions and using different dynamics, human being can fashion an infinite number of body movements. Out of the range of movements that the body is capable of performing, every culture emphasizes certain features in its dance styles. For example, rotating and leg lifting movements in ballet and European fog or pantomime and symbolic gestures may be used in Asian dance forms.

Another basic motive of dance is the expression and communication of emotion. People often dance as a way of releasing powerful feelings, such as sudden accesses of high spirits, joy, impatience or anger. This emotional expression way can be seen not only in individual dances but also in the more formalized and collective dances such as tribal war dances or festive folk dances. This motive also plays an important role in any culture.

Every society has its own dance. Dancing may mark birth, initiation, graduation, marriage, succession to political office, and death. In some societies dances may be the only events at which young people of different sexes can meet. In contemporary society, dances also provide important occasions for young people to socialize. All these forms of dance profoundly reflect the peculiarity of each culture.

In short, through its various forms; dance is an indispensable art form in a culture.

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